Villainous Wiki
Villainous Wiki

For a pretty good reason, lawl.

Thing is, a long time ago when this show still needed a wiki, I jumped the gun and made one, but didn't think about... things. Like, keeping the wiki in good quality like this one, keeping up to date with info, blah blah blah. In other words, the wiki I have is a total MESS. But it does have some info that I might be able to share with this one. 

I DO want to support this wiki, and if you want to see the horrible one I made just go here:

I can't figure out if there is a way to delete it, because believe me if there was a way I would. One thing I'm worried about is that people will start confusing these two wikis, but I REALLY hope that doesn't happen. But yeah, I'm pretty ashamed about the rushed, sloppy project of mine that was the wiki.

But anyway, my name is Betty and I am a major contributor/admin on the Bendy And The Ink Machine wiki. So if you have the time, feel free to check it out. 

I'll go ahead and set up my profile page, and make sure to read this wiki's rules and guidelines. 

That's all for now.
